The private global education market is huge and will only keep on increasing in its worth over the years. With such a huge market it is highly important that educationalists concentrate on overall education needs rather than organizing the basic administrative divisions. Educational managements usually utilize their best man power and time to organize and manage Student/Staff attendance, Institution Access, Library, Canteen and Cash flow management. This is where the latest technologies like Biometrics, RFID, Open Source, Smart cards help the industry. These Technologies help in automatizing the processes while increasing security and saving time and money.
Requirements and Solutions offered :
Given below are the very important requirements of any educational institute and solutions offered at Coresonant. We have varied other solutions to suit an institute's specific requirements.
Coresonant® SOLUTIONS |
Libraries are the biggest assets of any educational Institution. With huge collection of assets such as books, magazines, recordings, CD's, movies etc., they need proper securing. Librarians can use effective simple finger scanning system to replace library cards eliminating the sharing of library cards with students who have overdue materials. |
Library Management System:
It is an RFID/Barcode integrated intelligent System. It comprehensively addresses the library automation needs of libraries of all sizes. |
Cashless payments across all facilities: Campus based educational institutes of high repute provide many facilities and multi fold avenues to make life in campus a great experience, easy & fun.It is very important for the Institute to provide a seamless integration of all facilities to substantially make the transactions in a campus convenient, simple, quick & easy. |
Smart Card Solutions:
It is touch screen based smart system which could be used with minimal man power requirements. |
Access Control: A well controlled environment is critical to the success of an Educational Institute. Access must be permitted only to authorized persons. This will also involve accounting for the presence of a personnel factor, as when authorized their presence can be recorded as well.
| Automatic Vehicle Identification System |
Coresonant has one product which covers all basic needs and requirements of an Educational Institution, making it a smart campus - iCard Smart Campus System. It is a developed, tested and installed system and is already being used by some of the top institutes of India. Please visit the product page to know more.